Tuesday, 23 November 2010


I am yet to declare some things I made a little while ago. Here goes.

With inspiration from this post at the angry chicken blog, I made some deodorant. In this cold weather it's too firm to scoop lovingly from the pot, I have gone at it with a pokey tool and roughed it up into small chunks. So far it seems that it works very well to curtail the armpit stink. It does not keep you dry but it feels much more healthy for it. I think I'll be able to improve it for the next time.

I have made some cream, too much cream. It's supposed to be a legs and bum cream with ivy to work on the nasty cellulite. However I made a mistake with the oils and it ended up being made with the comfrey oil. So good for broken bones and tendons? And look how much I made. Oh dear. It also meant that I did not have the comfrey for the climbing balm for ralph and the others. It's a nice cream, thick, but smells a little odd, as all of them have seemed to. I have a big jar that I use and a small one that might be a christmas present, if it seems that anyone might want it.

Ralph was ill with man flu so I snapped into herbwifey mode and made some bits to help him get better. Rosehip syrup and sage honey, there is some stinky garlic-eucalyptus chest rub balm stuff too. Maybe I forgot to take a photo of that.

Cats take advantage of ralph's illness and sickly warmth, animal push over.

Saturday, 13 November 2010

lazy feminism

I did the title for this post at the beginning of october and now I can't really remember what it was going to say.

It was probably something to do with women's hour or another radio 4 show and I vaguely remember getting riled up about what a group of women were saying. Possibly they were talking about how young women today have not strong desire to pick up the feminism torch.

I have never felt attracted to the feminist movement. In my teens I stubbornly felt that the term was stupid, surely it should be man-and-woman-ism? For men and women to be equally regarded and respected for their attributes, no? Anyway, thanking people of the past for struggling for equality when it really was necessary, I have never felt that my gender does me a disservice.

Once at university I was invited to be involved in a project to create a piece for an exhibition at the women's library in whitechapel. The place has links to my old university and I had been involved in a curatorial project there. The problem was, they gathered together some of us female students and some female tutors and sat us around a table and introduced "what women want". We were to select a theme from a selection including 'choice in childrearing' 'equal pay' (a paraphrase these as I swiftly wiped the nonsense from my mind) and make a piece of work about it. We were also asked to 'workshop' some ideas using artifacts from thier collection, discussing and then placing them under the appropriate heading. I fumed and shook a little and then left.

Excuse me? These issues were not relevant to any experience I had had and yet these women seemed determined to give me a voice to express my terrible suffering. Please perpetuate our continuing beef and anger and now that we have no easy strife to express, let us continue to complain that we are downtrodden by the men of the world?

Anyway, so far I am yet to be persuaded that there is a need for a contiuing of the feminist struggle and that any strife I may suffer is most likely down to my choices or inabilities or a general crapness of attitude in society. Don't forget, most people are a kind of low-to-middling-level shit.

My thinking about the lazy feminism was that many women have realised that being a kind of anti-feminist female makes life easier. It can be advantageous, and without much overt effort, to fall back on female charms. That not being a feminist can mean you get into a club for free, have help with putting up shelves and have a bloke at work carry a box for you. You get to be lazy. Women, much like many other humans, like not to have to work so hard, people are lazy. I guess feminism has gone out of fashion because it means you might have to get your hands dirty.

dr. hauschka

I have had the dr. h mascara for a while now.

I have funny eylashes that appear to be a bit sensitive to mascara, if I wear it too many days in a row they get itchy and strangely loose and irritating untill I rub them loose. If not careful I have ended up with badl patches. Bad. Yuck. !

In my attempt to rid myself of as many peculiar space-mystic-sythethsised ingredients, after looking at the lurid yellow of the maybelline collosal I had been using carefully every other-ish day, I got some of the lovely rose scented dr. h mascara.

I cannot say enough good words about this mascara. It really is the best I have ever used. It goes on very thinly, which is great because it means that after one coat it's hardly noticeable as being makeup. You do not get instant spider eyes, which as far as I can see is a good thing. You can do extra coats if you want to, you know, so you get to choose if you want to look really naff or not.

Honestly it is great.

It smells nice and it doesn't make my lashes fall out. I pretty much understand what the ingredients are also, no space food here.

Good show dr. h.

s-neer up

Or snuggle-cheer up.

I've not had the will to post for a while, it may be more that I have not been inspired to post. I'm not very good at self-inspiration and I tend to wallow when I'm wearing a frown. I do have a stack of things to post on so the catch up starts here.

I was thinking that the blog was lacking some nice things, mostly because I've been trying not to do shopping, I'm not really on the look out for anything in particular so none of the web trawl finds to share. I was thinking about what might cheer this up, toast sprang to mind. The christmas catalogue came today and I do love their winter things. I love velvet and metallic leather.

I have been looking around at big cardigans, I wear big cardigans alot. Being that big cable knit wonders are "on trend" there are woollies everywhere. Mostly though they have been nowhere near a sheep, goat or alpaca, and all come from the acrylic tree. Makes me cringe. Even some of toast's lovely cardis are mixes. From what I understand a bit of man made fiber can help keep the shape or make things wear tougher, but really I don't think it's necessary. Plenty are real wool so, as I can, see all can be. I think maybe in socks it's ok as they do get worked hard, but that is as far as I'll comprimise.

Purple and sparkly, now my hair is red I'm going to aim for this look and get me some gold strings to go with my purple...

Patterned and with pockets, although this is a mix, which is a shame as it is very lovely...

I get lots of catalogues in the post these days, not on purpose, they just arrive. Wrap has some nice things in cotton-wool mixes.

Cardigan with buttons...
Cardigan coat...
Cardigan with big sleeves...
Tunic with some frogging...

Right, I'm going to think cosy thoughts to will myself into productiveness.