Tuesday, 28 August 2012

hairy huh

Last week I watched hairy dieters. I haven't watched these dudes before, I have flicked through a cookbook in sainsbury. Forumers were talking about the show, I wanted to join in......4 hours later.

Anyway, the show was nice, the guys are lovely, I thought it was good to have a programme where some folks trying to get healthy by cooking real food. We found it a bit inspiring, to be less liberal with cooking oil and just generally think a bit before starting dinner. Maybe get some scales? For us?

Linked to this is a new initiative in our  house to have two vegan days, to see how our bodies like it. We started on thursday and it was great, hummous for dinner, beetroot mega daal for tea, no milk in coffee.

I was interesred to see what the enegry added up to for that day (as a kind of version of 600cal fasting) so I got a little calorie counter gizmo app for my phone. Kinda nifty, you tell it your stats and tell it you dinner and it can give you targets for looseng weight etc etc. Brilliant. Here comes the problem, it has a gazillion foods in it, you search for what you ate, or even *scan the barcode* and enter it in. But wait, my dinner doesn't have a barcode because it wasn't made in a massive factory in belgium by machines and brought to my house in a massive refrigerated lorry. I made it from some *vegetables* and some *dried pulses*. I found one hummous in the list that appeared to be a recipe and used that. See the picture below.

It is this type of nonsense that says "you can only do a good thing if you let us set it out for you" us being a corporate and you get to pay them and if you don't it's not possible, it does not exist. How are you meant to know that your mega daal won't kill you unless you buy it from Sainsbury's?

Monday, 27 August 2012

noooo snooood

Starting this, and faffing about with social media, photo nicely into ravelry? Dunno about that, off to check if there is an app yet.

Thursday, 12 July 2012

ok, so we'll see

So I just wrote a post talking about how this new app on my phone might make doing the blog a better part of a routine rather than a big mission to sit down at the computer. It lost my post.

So we will see how this turns out.


Where did my post go?

Monday, 26 March 2012

wash your mouth out


Have made this, am using it.

The tincture blend is, I didn't weigh or measure, I marked lines on the bottle I was going to use and filled to those marks.

1/2 Echinacea tincture 
1/4 Oregon Grape Root tincture 
1/8 Plantain tincture 
1/8 Propolis tincture

A photo might follow, the lines looked nice on the bottle.

buying things and the world






In an effort to post the pending posts I'll just put this out without comment. I can't remember what these were going to be about but thought them linked enough to put them together. I'll have a read and get back to you.