Thursday 27 August 2009

sucked in by the smell of roses

Right, I did a naughty thing and used my sister-in-law's face wash. She doesn't appear to like me that much, and she always has a lot of expensive skin care stuff which I always complain about. It's rediculous, I'm sorry, how much is the protect-me-from-the-bad-city-air-tiny-pot-of-goo from clinique? And clinique looks so bland (I have an eye shadow from them but I couldn't find a grey-blue I liked anywhere else)(oh, and a liquid eye liner 'cause their's has a stiff brush), I dont get it at all.

But this time there was a basket full of neal's yard remedies.

And I do mean a couple of bottles, three large jars plus some dr hauschka and some other stuff I've not heard of. Crikey, like a box of treasure.

Now this stuff makes me interested. I've been becomming a bit of a earth mother of late, initiated by the need to get a salt scrub that is functional and not wanting to pay £8 for the pleasure of trying my luck. I've been making fantastic scrubs and have tried (and faltered a bit) to make a body lotion, I'm well into essential oils.

So I thought I'd give the face wash a go. It's a bit rude to stick your fingers in other people's pots of face cream, and the wash has a pump.

It was so nice, it felt great, smelled so beautiful, my skin didn't dry out. Urrgh, I would really like this.

Its £18.90.

For a face wash.

I'm stuck. I'm not convinced yet that you get what you pay for with all of this business. In a moment of total madness, with my first ranger pay, I went and bought the estee lauder "idealist" and "advanced night repair' (I wanted to feel like a grown up woman) and neither of them do anthing. In fact the "pore minimizing skin refinisher" brought me out in more spots than I have had in ages. The other one does smell nice but it doesn't appear to do any more than that. Rubbish. But this face it just the smell? It seems to have a big list of complicated ingredients that kinda mostly looks like nice things and a couple of those mystical chemical names.


I usually use this from lush, "Angels on Bare Skin" which is really nice and a bit of a ritual as you have to mix it up in your hand. It has lavender on it! It seems very wholesome, I think I know all the ingredients. But I do seem to find that I need to change between cleansers or they're don't stay so effective. This may be in my mind, I like to get new things.

So should I buy it? I really want to fill up my online shopping basket with pretty blue bottles and get an exciting parcel. Its very hard not too. We'll see.

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