Thursday 3 December 2009

washing with mud and nuts

I might have mentioned before how I've become a little obsessed with what things are made from, and mistrustful of ingredients or materials that sound too much like things I do not know.

I've been looking at the lables on shampoo.

Accidently, whilst looking for a morrocan dress, I found a place selling rhassoul clay and other bits for the hamam. I have seen it before and even bought some for putting in scrubs, but reading all about it on this site really got me excited.

They have a little set "The Lowest Carbon Footprint Strip Wash Challenge Clay & Alum" which is an introduction to strip washing as a day to day alternative to having a shower. I really like this idea. I'm not that fond of having a shower, for reasons I cant really put my finger on I don't like the washing.

Last night in our hill billy shared bath, I used some of the rhassoul I had from before instead of facewash, shower gel, shampoo and conditioner. It really did feel nice just using one thing and is very pleasant to smear the clay all over, mildly scrubby and nice and slidy. The hair was less fun as mine is quite long now and I'm a wimp with combing it, especially when it's wet. But it cleaned really well! I didn't think it would on my hair and it was exactly like using conditioner not that horrible squeaky pully thing when only using shampoo.


So the parcel of goodies I ordered came today..

Lovely and all wrapped up nicely, with a handwritten note from the lady that runs the shop, fantastic. There is rhassoul clay, argan oil, alum crystal, hand whittled wooden spoon and soapnuts.

Soapnuts you say? Yes, nuts for washing! I think they are really a kind of dried fruit. You use them in a sock in the washing machine instead of washing powder! WOW! I haven't tried them yet so can't say how good they'll be. You can use essential oil in the conditioner tray to make it smell nice.

So we are going to try the clay washing and the soapnuts and slowly turn into hippies.

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