Sunday 27 December 2009

potatoes changed my mind

I dislike michael caine.

I hate all those stupid dad films from the olden days with his nasty voice being all cockney over everything.

I suppose now I'm thinking about all this he's been quite good in the recent films and not so over the top. I wasn't really interested in hearing the much trailed festive special big guns desert island discs with him as guest. But it was on, I was listening and it was quite pleasant.

He said one thing that really struck me.

That when he cooks roast potatoes he doesn't do what delia and everyone always say, he puts the cooked spuds into a pan with cold olive oil. Not into hot oil from a tray in the oven as hot as you can?! No. If I remember correctly kirsty young questioned him on this point. My roast potatoes have always been a disappointment to me. They have been ok, but not great. I put it down to not having an ancient old roasting tin, blackened from a myriad family roast dinners, and the wrong amount of lard.

I followed his advice and now for two days running in a row we have had the most fabulous roast potatoes, better than I ever could have wished for. The first ones I over boiled them a bit so there was a bit too much crispy little bits. But the second ones, my word. Fantastic.

What I did was.....

boil the potatoes, but not too much that they fall apart

give a shake in the pan

leave to cool and loose some steam

put olive oil in a cold pan to cover the bottom

toss in the potatoes and drizzle with more oil

put into the pre heated oven on the hottest

keep tossing as the bits tuching the pan cook the best



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