Wednesday 7 April 2010

moral fail two

My second moral fail came in a conversation with our veg box people. Surprising.

We get our veg from organiclea and it is great. We don't have to choose so we don't end up with only broccoli and there is usually something really exciting. This week we got a cauliflower.

Every week I trundle down the road armed with a canvas bag and pick up my vegetables. They get handed over in a plastic carrier bag and I then put in in the cloth one as its easier to carry with the long shoulder strap. I law awake last week thinking about how this was a bit silly and why couldn't the veg come in a nice cloth bag? I figured that there would need to be two bags for each customer, with a few extra for spares, and each week we would return the bag from last week. We would have to remember to bring our bag back. But it'd be great, it could have a nice picture of carrots on the front.

We wouldn't be using the nasty plastic carrier bags.

I put this to the guy that dishes out the veg bags. I explained how this would be much better than using the plastic bags we do now. And he said that it was ok because they reuse all the plastic bags and they are not putting any extra bags into circulation than would have been about anyway and how it was a bit bad giving the shops all the free advertising.

But these bags come from somewhere!

Even if they are reused it means that someone involved in the operation has at some point got a bag from asda and then given that in to be used for veg. The point is we shouldn't be getting the bags in the first place. It is a bad thing if you go to the shops and have to get a plastic bag, there isn't really an excuse and you should feel really bad if you forget to take your carrier along. Just because you then give it in to the organic veg folk does not let you off of make up for what you did.

This is the point, if we continue to use the plastic it lets some crap people think their laziness is alright. It's not.

It really is very easy to take a shopping bag with you and if you get caught suddenly having to go and buy some lemonade and bread then it's a really big deal that you have to get a bag at the till. You should feel a twinge when the checkout persons asks you if you need one.

I would have thought that the veg folk would have understood this.

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